eDOTS is an electronic
Trees and
The Database will serve the purpose of storing, organizing and providing the efficient retrieval of information
of all the trees and shrubs (Native as well as Naturalized) of Punjab. This database will serve the dual purpose
of providing data cum multimedia information of each plant species. The Focus of the database is to provide information
about Botanical name, Popular/Common name, Family name, Flowering time, Fruiting time, Distribution, Economic importance,
Morphological description and photographs of different views/parts of each plant. The database can be searched using different
search options- plant wise and family wise. To begin with we have compiled information of most of the trees and shrubs of the
Botanical Garden of Guru Nanak Dev University and Amritsar city.
      Click here to view Plants of eDOTS_GNDUBG
      Click here to view Garden Map and List of Plants Section Wise in eDOTS_GNDUBG